Coffee Collective run by Students in Zurich
What we do
We make tasty coffee
Irrational Coffee is an AMIV commission dedicated to spreading alternative coffee culture. If you are interested in learning more about different coffee beans, processing techniques, brewing methods, or anything coffee-related, then this is the place for you!
See what we are getting up to on instragram irrational.coffee and stay up to date with our Telegram channel.
Coffee stand times for Fall Semester 2024:
We are closed over the semester break.
Please check either our times below, Instagram or Telegram for spontaneous open times.
Filter Coffee
Weird, clear and fruity coffee juice.
(Cappuchino, Espresso Tonic)
High Pressure, High Flavour.
(Matcha, Latte, Iced)
Cultured powdered Japanese green tea
Siphon Coffee
Scientific looking filter coffee.
Upcoming Events (HS24)
Stay up to date with our Telegram channel.
How to Latte Art
Where: TBA
Event where you can learn how to steam milk with either a traditional steam wand or alternativly, a nanofoamer (milk whirling wand) or french press
Coffee Crawl HS25
Where: At the Polybahn entrance near Polyterasse
If you know coffee and pub crawl, you can imagine what this is.
Coffee Cupping HS24
Where: TBA
cupping, degustation, whatever you wanna call it. The best opportunity to taste a variety of coffee notes and flavors!
Some Previous Events
Coding Weekend
16:00 15/11/24 - 12:30 17/11/24
Where: Flumserberg
serve coffee to 40+ participants for 3 days
AMIV goes Coffee Festival
12th of October
Where: TBA
Come along and visit the Swiss Festival hosting a bunch of companies displaying their excellence at coffee brewing!
Coffee in Good Spirits: Coffee Cocktail Evening
Date N/A
Where: Papperlapub
Intro To Coffee Event
Date N/A
How to make better coffee at home; hacks, tips and tricks.
Coffee Crawl
24th of October
Where: MAME, Miro, Collective Bakery, Coffee, BeanBank
With 14 participants.
Coffee Cupping 2021
3rd of March
Where: Virtual
The coffee tasting took place on Zoom, where 40 participants got the chance to test 8 different coffees and discover the flavours each of them had to offer.
We are coffee enthusiasts.

Chang Jin Lee
President/Website Manager

Oscar von Löhneysen

Edward He
Barista (Filter)

Alexander Mandt
Barista (Filter & Espresso)

Jannis Piekarek
Barista (Espresso)

Barista (Espresso)

Laura Hetz
Barista (Filter)